Mapping theme lines (virtual paths)

You can map theme lines, such as people or vehicles, that have links to chart items with dates and times. The items must have coordinates and not addresses.

About this task

In Google Earth:
  • If the entity represented as the theme line has no coordinates, then, all the other mapped entities are displayed with the theme line icon. If the theme line entity has coordinates, then all the other mapped entities display with their own icon.
  • Each link between the theme line and an entity is displayed as a single wide line provided the entity has a date and time.
  • The label of the theme line is merged with the label of the entity that it is linked to.
  • In the sidebar, each link is listed separately as a Virtual Path Link, which is appended with a number.


  1. In the Map Chart Items pane, click the Options tab.
  2. To map theme lines in this way, select the Show Virtual Paths check box.