Setting legend display properties

Use the Edit Legend Properties page to specify how the legend appears on your chart and to specify its location.

To display the legend on the chart, select the Show on Chart checkbox.

Setting the legend shape

In the Shape area, select the appropriate option to specify the shape of the legend:

Tall The legend is arranged in a rectangular box taller than it is wide
Square The legend is arranged in a square box
Wide The legend is arranged in a rectangular box wider than it is tall

Positioning the legend

The legend is positioned relative to the currently defined pages of the chart, as specified in the Page Setup window. You might need to adjust the page setup before positioning the legend to achieve the wanted result.

In the Horizontal Chart Location area, select the appropriate option to specify the horizontal position of the legend:

Left The legend box is placed on the left of all the currently defined pages, as specified in the Page Setup window.
Free The legend box can be freely moved horizontally (by dragging it)
Right The legend box is placed on the right of all the currently defined pages, as specified in the Page Setup window.

Similarly, in the Vertical Chart Location area, select the appropriate option to specify the vertical position of the legend box:

Top The legend box is placed at the top of all the currently defined pages, as specified in the Page Setup window.
Free The legend box might be freely moved vertically (by dragging it)
Bottom The legend box is placed at the bottom of all the currently defined pages, as specified in the Page Setup window.
Note: The default Horizontal Chart Location and Vertical Chart Location options are Free. You can drag the legend anywhere on the chart.

Setting the legend font

In the Description Text area, click Font to select the font to be used for descriptions. This font is also used as the default font for other textual entries such as titles and time zones. The Font workspace is displayed for you to select the required font. The panel to below the Font button displays sample text in the chosen font.

Note: If you specify a font for a particular legend entry, this font overrides the default font.