Inserting attribute classes

Attribute classes determine the type of data that is stored and displayed as attributes on an Analyst's Notebook Premium chart. You can create attribute classes and map property types to them or store them within an Analyst's Notebook Premium chart template.

Attribute classes contain configurable options that include naming the attribute class, selecting its semantic type, and deciding how it is displayed on the chart. You can also configure how the attribute class behaves with other items on the chart with regards to pasting and merging.

Attribute classes must have unique names. If an attribute class of the same name exists in the current chart, the settings for the attribute class are retained over the settings in the charting scheme.

To create an attribute class for your Analyst's Notebook Premium chart template:
  1. In the Edit Charting Schemes window, expand the tree structure for the charting scheme and right-click the Attribute Classes entry.
  2. Select the appropriate menu item for the type of attribute class that you want to create: Text, Flag, Number, or Date & Time.
    A new attribute class is created in the tree view.
  3. Configure the details to your specifications in your New Attribute Class' window. You can configure your attribute class' name, appearance on the chart, semantic type, and behavior to use for attribute values of this class when you merge or paste chart items.
  4. When your attribute class is configured, click OK.
Your attribute class is successfully configured and inserted. If an attribute class that is specific to a property type is inserted, the configurations for that attribute class appear when that property type is used.