Schema validation

To ensure the schema functions and is safe to use in your production environment, there are restrictions your schema must comply with when you create and develop it. The number and types of restrictions that are imposed on your schema vary depending on what stage of the development it is in.

Validation checks prevent you from implementing any changes that involve removing a unique ID from your schema. Your schema must retain these unique IDs because without them you cannot find the data that they are assigned to.

Your schema must pass three types of validation checks before it can be uploaded:

System type validation
When you create a new schema, it contains system entity types. The system entity types must exist for the schema to function. You can configure the Name and Description sections of these system entity types as they do not change the function of the components. You can assign other components to the system entity types such as property and property group types. You are unable to remove them from the schema.
Validation as you edit your schema
While you edit your schema, it must pass the Schema Designer validation checks. These checks do not prevent you from editing your schema, but make you aware of any invalid changes that are made. These validation checks ensure that your schema contains all the necessary components for it to function, such as link end constraints. Any issues that are found in the schema can be found at the bottom of the Schema Designer window for you to fix.
Validation when you upload your schema
To protect your data, i2 Analyze checks ensure that any changes you might make do not result in data loss. Any changes that can cause data loss are called destructive changes. If you try to upload a destructively changed schema, the validation checks fail, and an error message is displayed.