Managing queries
The Query Manager allows you to manage the queries you have created. You can duplicate, rename, create, edit, chart, delete and publish your queries. You can also chart, delete and make private copies of queries which have been made public by other people.
- On the New page of the Data Soures Task Pane, select Query Manager.
To manage your queries locally, select a query in the
Private tab.
- To rename a query - select the query you wish to rename, press F2 and enter the new name. The query name must be unique.
- To copy an existing query - select the query you wish to copy and click Duplicate. A query is created called Copy of query name. If a query of this name already exists, it will be called Copy (2) of query name. Rename the query to your required name as described above.
- To delete a query - select the query you wish to delete and click Delete. A message appears asking for confirmation that you want to perform the deletion. Click Yes to continue with the deletion.
- To view the contents of a query or remove items from the query - select the query and click Edit. A dialog is displayed listing the contents of the selected query. Double-click on an item in the list to see its database information. To remove items from the query, select the items and click Remove. You cannot add items to the query from within this dialog. To add an item to a query, refer to Creating and editing sets.
- To chart the contents of a query - select the query whose contents you wish to chart and click Chart or double-click on the query name. The items of the query are added to the chart and selected. Any items in the query that are already on the chart are also selected.
- To publish a query - select it and click Publish. The query is copied into the public data store.
To copy a shared query into your private area:
- Click the Public tab to display the queries which are shared between people.
- Select the query you wish to copy into your private area and click Private Copy. The query will be copied into your private area with the same name. If a query of this name already exists, it will be called Copy of query name. You can also chart public queries by selecting the query and clicking Chart or double-clicking on the query name.
- When you have finished, click Close.