Link semantic types in queries

Semantic types can be used to search for data in several different link types in a single query. You can use semantic types in this way if your database is an SQL Server database and semantic types are assigned.


To search links of the same semantic type:
  1. Create a query by dragging two entity types into the query structure area on the right.
  2. From the link type list, select {Semantic Type}.
    The available link types depend on the selected entity types. It is possible there might not be any link types available (if the two entity types are not valid ends for a link type). If so, {Semantic Type} is not available to select.
  3. The pointer changes to a plus sign to show that you can add a link. Drag the link from one entity to the other.
  4. Select the required semantic type from the tree view.
  5. Select the required option from the Match Option list.
  6. Continue to construct the rest of your query as usual.