Importing and exporting data in cases

In a case-controlled database, you can only import data into a single, open case. Duplicate checking, for example, is only carried out against records in the current case.

About this task

Note: You cannot use iBase Scheduler to import data into a case-controlled database.


To import data into a case or series of cases:

  1. In the import wizard, click Run to start the import in the usual way. You are then prompted to select a case.

  2. In the Import Progress dialog, when the import completes for the first case, click Back to redisplay the last page of the import wizard.

  3. If required, change the name of import statistics summary file and the error file, or select the Append a timestamp option (so that you do not overwrite the files generated by the first import).

  4. Click Run to start the second import and, when prompted, select the next case.

In a case-controlled database, you can only export data from the selected case or from all the cases in the database:

  1. In the export wizard, click Run to start the export in the usual way.

  2. You are then prompted to select a case - you can select any open case in the database or, to export data from all the cases in the database, turn on All Cases.