Archiving SQL Server databases
You can save the audit log for an iBase SQL Server database to a new SQL Server database on a different server machine (a linked server), or on the same SQL Server as your iBase database.
About this task
When you archive data, it is no longer accessible from within Audit Viewer. You will need the assistance of a SQL Server administrator to retrieve specific log entries or run reports.
To save part of the audit log to a SQL Server database (and then delete those records from the audit log):
Open the database audit log.
Select Action > Archive.
From the Server Name list, select the machine on which you want to create the new database. This can be your local SQL Server.
Enter the name of the new database.
Enter the name and password for a user who has permission to create databases on this machine.
Enter the cutoff date for the archive. All audit log entries before this date will be deleted from the audit log. You can inspect archived audit logs in Audit Viewer. Log on to Audit Viewer and select Open SQL Server Archive from the File menu.