Using a conditional formatting style rule to change entity or link type

When items are added to a chart, depending on the available charting schemes, you might find that the items have been classified as a different item type to that which you expect. You can change conditional formatting rules to modify the item type of specific items on your chart.

About this task

The type of item that is used to describe data can be important for later analysis. You can modify the type of item using conditional formatting.
Note: Using conditional formatting to change the type of an item will only apply to items on the chart surface, these changes are not reflected in records.


To specify a type:
  1. Follow the instructions in Creating and editing conditional formatting specifications to create or edit a conditional formatting specification.
  2. In the Style to be changed section, select Type, then in the Style will be changed to section, select Specified value and click Edit.
  3. From the Palette list, select the user palette that contains the required entity or link type.
  4. From the Type list, select an entity or link type.
  5. Click OK to finish defining the rule.