Results table columns

The Results table automatically displays results when the calculation is complete. Results for entities and links are displayed in different tables, with the entity Results table displayed by default. The format of the displayed results might be the actual numbers that are calculated or the values that are adjusted and expressed as percentages. These results depend on the Enhanced Analysis and Normalization options that are selected in the Options page.

The available columns for the entity Results table are as follows (default columns are marked with *):
Column heading Column contents
Entity* The entity icon followed by the label.

A value that represents how many of the shortest paths pass through each entity. An entity with the lowest betweenness value has the lowest number of shortest paths that run through it compared with the other entities in the network. If

Use Link Direction is selected in the Options page, the arrow direction determines which paths can be measured between entities.

Authorities (In) and Hubs (Out) do not have separate columns for betweenness results because the number of directed inbound paths are identical to the number of directed outbound paths if the arrows are reversed. The same connecting paths are used for the betweenness calculation regardless of direction.

Closeness A value that represents how close each entity is to the others in the network. For example, an entity with the highest closeness value has the shortest paths to most other entities in the network. If Use Link Direction is selected in the Options page, the closeness result is displayed in two separate columns:
  • Closeness (In): how close an entity is based on the number of inbound paths
  • Closeness (Out): how close an entity is based on the number of outbound paths
Degree The number of links between an entity to others in the network. If Use Link Direction is selected in the Options page, the degree result is displayed in two separate columns:
  • Degree (In): the total number of inbound links
  • Degree (Out): the total number of outbound links
The degree of a result is affected if the links that connect it are weighted. Examples:
  • A link with a weighting of four is classed as four times more important than a link without a weighting. It counts as four links, whereas a link without an assigned weighting counts as one by default.
  • An entity that is connected by two links has a degree of five, if one link has no weighting and the other has a weighting of four.
A value that represents how connected an entity is based on its direct links to the other influential entities in the network. An entity with the highest eigenvector score is directly connected to many other entities with high eigenvector scores. If Use Link Direction is selected in the Options page, two eigenvector results are calculated and displayed in two separate columns:
  • Authority (In): how connected an entity is based on its inbound links
  • Hub (Out): how connected an entity is based on its outbound links

An eigenvector score is affected if the links that connect to other entities are weighted. For example, a link weighting of three means that the link is treated as three times more important than a link with no weighting.

Note: Hub and authority results cannot be calculated for charts that contain certain configurations of entities and links. In such instances, a warning message is displayed. You might be able to calculate hub and authority results if you change your configuration, or edit your link weightings.

K-Core A value that can help identify small interlinked core areas on a network. An entity with the highest K-Core is directly connected to many other entities with high K-Cores. The K-Core score of an entity is affected if the links that connect it to other entities are weighted. For example, a link weighting of three means that the link is treated as three times more important than a link with no weighting.

To display results for links, select Links. The available columns are as follows (default columns are marked with *):

Column heading Column contents

The link icon followed by a summary of the link in the format:

Entity A label > link label > Entity B label


A value that represents how many of the shortest paths pass through each link. A link with the highest betweenness value has the highest number of paths that run through it compared with the other links in the network.

Weightings The weighting value that is assigned to each link.