Sending chart items to the i2 Esri Maps window

Items with location information in the form of coordinates can be sent to the i2 Esri Maps window.

About this task

When an entity contains coordinates, it is placed at that location on the map. If an entity contains multiple sets of coordinates, the entity is displayed on the map at each different location. If an entity does not contain coordinates, you can drag it to the map. The coordinates of the location where it is dropped are assigned to newly created Latitude and Longitude attribute instances.


  1. Select the entities that you want to send to the map.
  2. Click the Analyze tab on the ribbon.
  3. In the Gain Insight group, check that i2 Esri Maps is selected from the Map Provider list, then click Maps.
    The i2 Esri Maps window opens.
  4. Ensure that the correct map is open or select the required map.
  5. Add entities to the map in one of the following ways:
    • In the i2 Esri Maps window, click Add Selected Entities. The selected entities that contain coordinates are added to the map. Entities that do not contain coordinates are not added and a message is displayed in the status bar of the i2 Esri Maps window.
    • Right-click one of the selected entities on the chart and select Add to Map. The selected entities that contain coordinates are added to the map. Entities that do not contain coordinates are not added and a message is displayed in the status bar of the i2 Esri Maps window.
    • Drag multiple selected entities onto the map. Entities that contain coordinates are added to the map at their coordinate locations. Entities that do not contain coordinates are not added and a message is displayed in the status bar of the i2 Esri Maps window.
    • Drag a single entity on to the map. If it has coordinates, it is added to the map at that location. If it does not contain coordinates, the coordinates of the location where the entity is dropped are assigned to newly created Latitude and Longitude attribute instances.


The map pans to show the selected entities on the map.

If a problem occurs when you send entities to the map, a warning message is displayed at the bottom of the map. You can try the following resolutions:

  • Look at the location information for an entity and check that it is in the correct format. Right-click the entity on the chart, and from the menu, select Edit Item Properties.
  • The coordinates on a chart item might be outside the maximum valid extents of the current map. If you change to a map that has appropriate maximum valid extents, the chart items are displayed.