Opening a bar chart that shows distance from a selected entity

When a single entity is selected on the map, you can open a bar chart and see the distribution of other entities on your chart. Compare how far they are from the selected entity, based on their location information.

About this task

It can be useful to see how close other chart items are to a specified mapped entity and how the other chart items are distributed in relation to it. For example, if you know the location of a stolen car, you can look at other crimes that happened at a range of distances from this location. You can then add some or all of these entities to the map. If you then open a histogram that indicates the dates and times of those crimes, you can use filters to discover other crimes in nearby areas that occurred in a similar time period.

When you open a bar chart that shows the entity distribution, you can choose the number of steps (rows) for the bar chart and the distance range to use for each step.

You can open more than one bar chart to show a range of distances from different entities.


  1. Select a single entity on the map, then click Distance Bar Chart.
    The Bar Charts page of the Bar Charts and Histograms pane opens with a new bar chart. The bar chart shows a range of distances away from the selected entity and how many entities are located within each range.
    Note: At any time, you can select the central entity that was used for the bar chart by clicking the select central item button next to the Steps list.
  2. Optional: To change the number of rows, select the required number of steps from the Steps list at the top of the bar chart.
    Note: By default, empty rows are not shown. To show empty rows, go to the Options page of the Bar Charts and Histograms pane and select the Include Empty Rows check box.
  3. Optional: To change the distance range for each step, select the required value from the list of distances next to the Steps list.


The bar chart shows how many entities are located in each distance range from the original entity. Any items that are located outside the furthest range are not counted.

Select a row of the bar chart to focus on entities that are in a specified distance range and filter out the other entities. The entities in the selected row are selected on the map and on the chart.