Adding a line strength

Line strengths are a useful way of indicating the general status or quality of information that is represented by an item. The line strengths that you define depend on the convention that is adopted by your organization.

About this task

Line strengths can be used to indicate the quality of information that is available for items on your chart. By default, the following line strengths are available:
Indicated as a solid line, this line strength is applied as a default to all created items. A line strength is confirmed if the information is of a high quality.
Indicated as a dashed line. A line strength is unconfirmed if the information is not of a high quality.
Indicated as a dotted line. A line strength is tentative if the information is hypothetical.
You can update these defaults and add more line strengths if required. Any changes that you make are stored with the chart properties and available to others when you share the chart.


To modify the available line strengths:
  1. Click File > Chart Properties > Definitions > Line Strengths.
  2. Click one of the following options:
    New Create a line strength, when the default line strengths are not suitable.
    Duplicate Duplicate a line strength. The selected line strength is duplicated and a line strength is created with the following properties:
    • A name of "Copy "n" of Line Strength", where "n" is the lowest unused number.
    • The same strength as the selected line strength
    1. Type a name for the line strength.
      For example, hypothesis.
    2. Change the line style, by selecting a style from the Strength list.
    Tip: You can delete line strengths that are no longer used. You cannot delete a line strength that is in use on the chart.
  3. Optional: To modify an existing line strength, click the down arrow in the Strength list and select the line strength to use.
  4. Click OK.