Creating a template

A template contains preconfigured chart properties, and lists of permitted entity types and link types. When you base a chart on a template, the appearance and meaning of data in the chart are consistent with other charts based on that template.

About this task

After making changes to the properties of a chart, or adding additional item types, a template can be saved. Saving a chart as a template allows other charts to be produced that use these properties and types


To create a template, use the following steps:
  1. Update your chart properties.
  2. Click File > Template > Create Template. The Create Template window opens.
  3. In the Create Template window, select the Location to store the template:
    Local template Local templates are designed to be used to ensure consistency between the charts that you create when working independently. Templates should be stored locally when working on chart types that are not used by the rest of your team.
    Workgroup template Workgroup templates are designed to be used by the wider team.
    Note: When there is no workgroup template path set, this option is not available.
    Standard Sets this template as the default template to use for new charts.
    Note: The paths that are used to store templates are defined in File > Options > Templates.
  4. Optional: To create a template which contains all of the chart items and the legend, select Include Chart Items and Legend.
  5. Click OK to create the template.