Automating file imports

If you have files in the same format that you regularly import, you can automate the process with a command prompt utility. The import process can create items in a new or an existing chart.

About this task

Series Import is a command prompt utility that opens Analyst's Notebook if it is not already open. It then automatically runs a named import specification to load data into the chart.

This utility allows multiple import specifications to be run without manual user intervention. A batch file (.bat) can call the Series Import utility as many times as you need. Your import specifications and batch file must be in the same directory as the SeriesImport utility.

Note: To use Series Import with schema-aligned import specifications, you must include the file extension .oimp when you create a batch file. For example, SeriesImport -b filename.oimp -c.


  1. Create import specifications by using the standard import wizard.
  2. Create a batch file that references your import specifications.
  3. From a command prompt, run the batch file.
If you receive an error when running the batch file, check the directory containing the import specifications and batch file. The directory should contain the SeriesImport utility. By default, the SeriesImport utility is found in the Utils directory, for example C:\Program Files (x86)\i2 Analyst's Notebook 9\Utils. You can either move your import specifications and batch file to the Utils directory, or copy SeriesImport.exe and SeriesImport.exe.manifest into the same directory as the import specifications and batch file.