Setting up i2 Esri to use JSON definitions

If you plan on using ellipses to represent an area around a particular point, you can use a JSON definition. These definitions can use a set of default values for settings that are not location specific, the default values are stored separately.

About this task

Before you can start to work with the JSON definitions that describe geographic ellipses, you need to identify the attributes that are going to be used to store that information. In addition, you can modify the default ellipse behavior using the values stored in settings.xml:


  • To set up an attribute class that supports the ellipse data:
    1. Open a chart.
    2. Select File > Chart Properties.
    3. Select Definitions > Attribute Classes.
    4. Choose a Palette to add the new attribute class to, and click New > Text.
    5. Enter a Name, and ensure that the Semantic Type is set to Abstract Text > Geographic Area > Geographic Ellipse.
    6. Select the Display options.
      Note: JSON definitions can take up a large amount of space if they are displayed using Show On Chart.
    7. Choose the User Palettes that should include the class, and the Behavior to use when items containing the attribute are pasted or merged .
    8. Click OK.
    When your attribute class is saved, you can create or modify a chart template to include it.
  • To modify the default values for ellipse definitions:
    1. Locate the settings.xml file, which is installed in C:\ProgramData\i2\i2 Esri Maps\ and open it in your preferred editor.
    2. Change the provided defaults to your preferred values:
      Setting Description
      MaximumPoints The maximum number of points used to draw the perimeter of the ellipse. If you do not specify a value, the maximum number of points is set to 100.
      MaximumSegmentLength The maximum length between two points around the perimeter. If you do not specify a value, the maximum segment length is set to 10.
      RotateClockwise Determines whether the provided ellipse rotation value is applied in a clockwise direction (true), or a counterclockwise direction (false). If you do not specify a value, the rotate direction is set to be counterclockwise.
      MeasureRotationFromYAxis Determines whether the provided ellipse rotation value is applied from the y-axis (true), or the x-axis (false). If you do not specify a value, the rotate direction is set to be applied to the x-axis.
      Alpha Sets the transparency level for the ellipse. This is a value in the range 0 - 255. If you do not specify a value, the alpha value is set to 100.
      Red Sets the red level for the ellipse. This is a value in the range 0 - 255. If you do not specify a value, the red value is set to 127.
      Green Sets the green level for the ellipse. This is a value in the range 0 - 255. If you do not specify a value, the green value is set to 127.
      Blue Sets the blue level for the ellipse. This is a value in the range 0 - 255. If you do not specify a value, the blue value is set to 127.
    3. Ensure that the file with your changes is saved to C:\ProgramData\i2\i2 Esri Maps\.


You now have an attribute class that can be used to store the JSON definitions. Ellipse data can now be imported, and will be displayed when entities that contain that data are added to a map. If you are working as a part of a larger group you can consider:
  • Storing templates that contain the attribute class in a network location, and set up as the default when new charts are created.
  • Distributing the settings file to other machines.