Drawing shapes on a map

It is sometimes useful to highlight certain areas on a map by drawing shapes.

About this task

A number of shapes are available for you to draw, for example point marker, polygon, or arrow.

Note: Shapes are not geodesic, that is, they do not follow the contours of the map. They are flat drawings.


  1. In the i2 Esri Maps window, right-click on the map and click Draw or click the drawing tool.
  2. Click the shape that you require.
  3. To draw the shape, do one of the following:
    Triangle, Arrow, Rectangle, Circle, Ellipse Drag an area and release the mouse button to complete the shape.
    Line, Polygon Click to insert the first point, then click to add extra points. Double-click to complete the line or area.
    Freehand Line, Freehand Polygon Drag a line or an area and release the mouse button to finish.
    Point Click the required position.
  4. Optional: To delete a shape, select it and press Delete.
    Note: You can close the drawing pane at any time by clicking the drawing tool.