Adding an image

You can replace the standard icons that Analyst's Notebook uses for icon, theme line, and event frame representations with custom images. An image can help to provide extra information.

About this task

When you add an image to an entity, it is shown instead of the entity type icon. Images can be used on the Representation Types: icons, theme lines, and event frames. For example, you can use photographs to show people, or CCTV images to chart a sequence of events.


To add an image to your selection:
  1. Right-click an item, and select Edit Item Properties. The Edit window is shown.
  2. Select Style > Picture.
  3. Locate the image that you want to add. If you know where the image is stored, you can browse to this location. You can also paste an image from the clipboard.
    Tip: The Picture Preview area of the Edit window shows how the picture appears.
  4. Set the size of the image by selecting one of the following options:
    Enlargement Set the enlargement size of the picture.
    Custom Use the slider to change the size of the picture.
  5. Click OK.