The ingestInformationStoreRecords task

The parameters and usage of the ingestInformationStoreRecords depends on whether you are using the i2 Analyze deployment toolkit or the ETL toolkit.

i2 Analyze deployment toolkit

The deployment toolkit command for ingesting records looks like this:

setup -t ingestInformationStoreRecords
      -p importMappingsFile=ingestion_mapping_file
      -p importMappingId=ingestion_mapping_id
      -p importLabel=ingestion_label
      -p importConfigFile=ingestion_settings_file
      -p importMode=STANDARD|VALIDATE|BULK

Here, ingestion_mapping_file is the path to the XML file that contains the mapping that you want to use, and ingestion_mapping_id is the identifier of the mapping within that file. The latter is mandatory unless the file contains only one mapping.

The importLabel, importConfigFile, and importMode parameters are optional:

  • When you specify importLabel, ingestion_label is a name that identifies a particular use of the command in the Information Store's IS_Public.Ingestion_Deletion_Reports view.

  • When you specify importConfigFile, ingestion_settings_file is the path to a settings file that contains name=value pairs. You can refer to names in the settings file from references in the ingestion mapping file to use their values when you run the ingestInformationStoreRecords command.

  • When you specify importMode, you can set it to STANDARD, VALIDATE, or BULK.

    • STANDARD mode can be used to ingest new and updated records, with or without correlation. If you do not specify importMode, STANDARD mode is used.

    • VALIDATE mode checks the validity of the specified mapping, but no ingestion takes place.

    • BULK mode can be used to ingest new records without correlation.

ETL toolkit

The equivalent ETL toolkit command looks like this. The ETL toolkit command can also delete provenance from the Information Store.

      -imf  ingestion_mapping_file
      -imid ingestion_mapping_id
      -il   ingestion_label
      -icf  ingestion_settings_file
      -lcl  true|false

Here, ingestion_mapping_file is the path to the XML file that contains the mapping that you want to use, and ingestion_mapping_id is the identifier of the mapping within that file. The latter is mandatory unless the file contains only one mapping.

The other parameters are optional:

  • When you specify il, ingestion_label is a name that identifies a particular use of the command in the Information Store's IS_Public.Ingestion_Deletion_Reports view.

  • When you specify icf, ingestion_settings_file is the path to a settings file that contains name=value pairs. You can refer to names in the settings file from references in the ingestion mapping file to use their values when you run the ingestInformationStoreRecords command.

  • When you specify lcl as true, any links that are removed as part of an entity delete operation are logged in IS_Public.D<import identifier><entity type id>_<link type id>_Links tables. For example, IS_Public.D20180803090624143563ET5_LAC1_Links.

    You can specify lcl with the DELETE import mode only.

  • When you specify im you can set it to one of the following modes:

    • STANDARD mode can be used to ingest new and updated records, with or without correlation. If you do not specify im, STANDARD mode is used.

    • VALIDATE mode checks the validity of the specified mapping, but no ingestion takes place.

    • BULK mode can be used to ingest new records without correlation.

    • DELETE_PREVIEW mode can be used to preview the effect of running a delete.

    • DELETE mode can be used to delete provenance from the Information Store.

    • BULK_DELETE mode can be used to delete provenance that does not contribute to a correlated record.