Understanding the architecture

The physical architecture of your i2 Analyze deployment both affects and is affected by how you acquire and transform external data for the Information Store. Depending on the architecture, you might need to perform more deployment tasks before you can run data ingestion commands.

About this task

A complete solution for loading and ingesting data into the Information Store has four mandatory architectural components:

  • The i2 Analyze server, and in particular the deployment toolkit that it contains

  • The database management system that contains the Information Store and the staging tables

  • An external data source

  • The ETL logic that transforms the source data and loads it into the staging tables

Note: In addition to the mandatory components, you can opt to include a component that prepares your data for correlation, such as a matching engine or a context computing platform. These components can help you to determine when data in multiple different sources represents the same real-world "thing". This preparation of your data might occur as part of your ETL logic, or between an external data source and the ETL logic.

i2 Analyze supports physical architectures in which the database is hosted on the same server as the application, or on a different one. You can also choose to locate your ETL logic on the same server as the i2 Analyze application, or on the same server as the database, or on an entirely separate server.

The process of transforming source data can be demanding, especially if the requirements are complex or the volume is high. There are also scenarios in which you might want to automate the process of loading and then ingesting the external data. Ultimately, the architecture that you decide upon depends on the needs and constraints of your deployment.

The following diagram shows some of the permutations. The examples in the upper-left and upper-right quadrants represent deployments in which the ETL logic (implemented by a tool like IBM DataStage, for example) is co-hosted with the i2 Analyze application. The database can be on the same or a separate server; the solid arrows show data flow between the components during data load and ingestion.

The examples in the lower-left and lower-right quadrants represent deployments in which the ETL logic is on a separate server from the i2 Analyze application. (Typically, the ETL logic is hosted alongside the database or the external data source.) To enable the architecture, those deployments include the ETL toolkit, which is a cut-down version of the main deployment toolkit that targets only data ingestion.

When you need the ETL toolkit, you can generate it on the i2 Analyze server, and copy it to the server that hosts the ETL logic. When the ETL toolkit is properly configured, your ETL logic can run toolkit commands without reference to the rest of the deployment. If you decide to use the ETL toolkit, the next step is to deploy it. If not, you can move on to creating staging tables in the database.


As the diagrams show, the ETL toolkit is most likely to be useful in deployments where the i2 Analyze application and the ETL logic are on separate servers. As you plan your approach to ingestion, consider the following:

  • If the ETL logic is relatively simple and data volumes are low, there are benefits to colocating as many components as you can, especially in a new deployment.

  • If your deployment requires separate servers from the start, or as it evolves over time, determine where the bottlenecks are. Is it limited by server speed or network speed?

  • If the ETL logic is taxing a server that hosts other components, consider moving the logic, but be aware of the increase in network traffic.

  • If the volume of data is taxing the network, consider colocating components when you are able. (You might not have permission to deploy components to some servers, for example.)


By acting as a proxy for the i2 Analyze deployment toolkit, the ETL toolkit provides for more flexibility in your choice of architecture. In some circumstances you can separate the database, the ETL logic, and the i2 Analyze application without incurring a networking penalty.