Enabling sharing to groups of users

By default, i2 Analyze is configured so that users with the i2:Share:Artifacts permission can share artifacts such as saved Visual Queries with individual users, but not with groups. Any group that you want to be a target for sharing must be configured appropriately in the i2 Analyze Server Admin Console (where you can also create custom user groups), or through provisioning.

Before you begin

To control which groups are available as targets for sharing, you must have access to the User group management app in the admin console. In other words, you must be a member of a system group that has the i2:Administrator or the i2:Administrator:Groups permission. For more information, see Enabling access to the admin console.

If you're the first visitor to the User group management app, you see only the system groups that the user registry defines. By default, these groups are not available as targets for sharing. On subsequent visits, you and other users can also see any custom groups that have been created, as well as the sharing settings for all groups.

Users of i2 Notebook and Analyst's Notebook can share artifacts with the members of a group only if the group is Available for sharing, and it's visible to them. The latter is always true if the group is Visible to all users, but if it's not, the user must be a member of the group (or a sharing administrator) to see it.

About this task

This task describes how to create and configure custom user groups in the i2 Analyze Server Admin Console, and how to enable sharing to system and custom groups.


To examine the user groups in your deployment of i2 Analyze, and to create and configure custom groups:

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to <i2-Analyze-URL>/admin, where <i2-Analyze-URL> is the URL used to access your i2 Analyze deployment.

  2. Log in with your credentials. Then, in the toolbar on the left, click User group management.

    The console displays a list of all the user groups in this deployment of i2 Analyze, including an indicator of whether each is a system group or a custom group.

    You can select any group and then click Members to see the users and groups who are members of that group. For a custom group, you can add and remove members, as described below.

  3. To create a custom user group:

    1. Click New group.

      The console displays a dialog where you can enter a name and a description for the group, and say whether it should be Available for sharing and Visible to all users.

    2. Use the list in the center of the dialog to add users and other groups to the new group. You can search for users and groups by name, and you can add multiple users and groups at once.

    3. Click Create to close the dialog and create the group. The new group appears in the list of user groups.

  4. To change the name or description of a custom user group, select it in the list and click Edit details. Make your changes in the dialog that appears, and then click Save.

  5. To change the members of a custom user group:

    1. Click either the Add members or the Remove members button in the Members dialog. (The buttons are not present in the dialog for a system group.)

    2. Use the same approach as when creating a group to add and remove users and groups. The changes you make don't take effect until you click Add (or Remove) to close the dialog.

To change whether users can share artifacts with the members of any user group:

  1. Select the group in the list on the front page of the User group management app. The pane on the right displays information about the group, including its sharing and visibility settings.

  2. Use the switches to change the sharing and visibility settings for the group. The changes take effect immediately.

What to do next

When you've created the custom user groups that you need in your deployment, and you've configured the sharing settings for all user groups, you can test the resulting behavior.

Follow the instructions in the Analyst's Notebook documentation to save and share a Visual Query with a group of users, and then log in as one of those users to see if they can see the Visual Query.

If you can't share the Visual Query with the group you expect, check the sharing settings again.