Origin identifiers

The role of a source identifier is to reference the data for a record reproducibly in its original source. The source identifiers that records receive during ingestion are unique within i2 Analyze, and they have a special name in this context. They are called origin identifiers.

The nature of a origin identifier depends on the source and the creation method, and sometimes on whether the record is a link or an entity. When you ingest data into the Information Store, i2 Analyze compares the incoming origin identifier with existing records. If it finds a match, i2 Analyze updates a record instead of creating one.

After you develop your process for creating origin identifiers, you must continue to use that process. If you change the way that your origin identifiers are created and ingest the same data again, the Information Store creates new records for the data instead of updating the existing records. To ensure that changes to data are processed as updates, you must create your origin identifiers consistently.

For more information about different identifiers in i2 Analyze, see Identifiers in i2 Analyze records.

The structure of an origin identifier

During the ingestion process, you specify the data for your identifiers in the staging table and ingestion mapping file. An origin identifier is constructed of a "type" and "keys".

  • type

    The "type" of an origin identifier allows the services in an i2 Analyze deployment to determine quickly whether they are interested in (or how to process) a particular row of data. The value of the type element does not have to be meaningful, but data from different sources generally have different values.

    For a deployment that uses a Db2 database, the length of the origin identifier type must not exceed 100 bytes, which is equivalent to 50 two-byte Unicode characters. For a SQL Server database, the limit is 200 bytes, or 100 two-byte Unicode characters.

  • keys

    The "keys" of an origin identifier contain the information necessary to reference the data in its original source. The pieces of information that you use to make up the keys differs depending on the source of the data. For data that originates in relational sources, you might use keys whose values include the source name, the table name, and the unique identifier of the data within that table.

    The length of the origin identifier keys must not exceed the following sizes:

    • On PostgreSQL: 1000 Unicode characters.

    • On SQL Server: 692 bytes. This is equivalent to 346 Unicode characters.

    • On Db2: 1000 bytes. This is equivalent to 500 Unicode characters.

    It is recommended that your origin identifiers are as short as possible in length, and that any common values are at the end of the key.

    The content of your origin identifier keys must conform to Common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files. i2 Analyze uses comma (' , ') as the delimiter and double-quote (' " ') as the quote character.

    • Do not include comma and double-quote characters next to each other in origin identifier keys. For example: 123",456.

    Do not use non-printing or control characters in your origin identifiers because they might not be indexed correctly and cause your origin identifiers to be different from your intended values.

Creating origin identifiers for your data

There are two mechanisms for specifying the data for your origin identifiers. You can populate the staging table with all the information required to create the origin identifiers, or you can use a combination of information in the staging table and the ingestion mapping.

When you can provide all the information in the staging tables, there is less processing of the data during ingestion, which can improve ingestion performance.

All information in the staging table

If you can populate the staging table with all the information for your origin identifiers, you can use the origin_id_type and origin_id_keys columns to store this information. Populate the origin_id_type column with the type of your origin identifier. Populate the origin_id_keys column with a unique value that is already a composite of key values including the unique identifier from the source. When you use these columns, you must specify them in the ingestion mapping file that you use.

To ingest links, you must specify the origin identifiers at the end of the link. You specify the "to" end of the link in the to_origin_id_type and to_origin_id_keys columns, and the "from" end in from_origin_id_type and from_origin_id_keys.

When you specify all the information in the staging table, the origin identifier section of your ingestion mapping is more simple. For example:


To specify the origin identifiers at the link ends:



Combination of information in the staging table and the ingestion mapping

If you cannot populate the staging table with all the information for your origin identifiers, you can use the source_id column in the staging table to contain the unique identifier from the source and provide any other keys and the origin identifier type in the ingestion mapping.

To ingest links, you must specify the origin identifiers at the end of the link. You specify the unique identifier of the "to" end of the link in the to_source_id column, and the "from" end in from_source_id. In the ingestion mapping, you specify the other keys that make up the origin identifiers of the link ends.

When you provide the information in both the staging table and the ingestion mapping, the mapping file is more complex. For example:


To specify the origin identifiers at the link ends, if the to end is an "Account" entity type:

