Deployment toolkit tasks

The following toolkit options and tasks are available to use with the setup script in the deployment toolkit.

usage: setup [-h] [-a] [-s SERVER] [-w WAR | -id IDENTIFIERS | -hn HOST | --all] [--force] -t TASK [--option-name...]

Argument name Argument Description
-h, --help Shows this help message, and exits
-a, --additional Shows additional arguments and tasks, and exits
-t, --task <task> Specifies the task to perform
-s, --server <server> Specifies the server profile to manage
-w, --war <war> Specifies the war name
-co, --collection <collection> Specifies the solr collection ID
-id, --id <ids> Specifies the ids of the components to manage
-hn, --hostname <hostname> Restrict the task to operate only on components with the specified hostname attribute
-l, --locale <locale> Specify the language code of the schema files to use in the example deployment
--all Apply the operation to all applicable components
-sn, --schemaName <Schema> Specify the name of the schema file to use in the example deployment
-e, --exampleData <Example Data> Specify the name of the directory containing the example data to ingest
-f, --force Suppress the warning prompt that is associated with tasks that might result in data loss
--scripts Generates scripts
--quiet Show QUIET and higher log messages
--warn Show WARN and higher log messages
--lifecycle Show LIFECYCLE and higher log messages
--info Show INFO and higher log messages
-d, --debug Show DEBUG and higher (that is, all log messages)
-st, --stacktrace Print the full stacktrace if an error occurs

The following installation and deployment tasks are available:

Name Description
installLiberty Installs Liberty from the Liberty binaries in the toolkit, to the directory specified in
installZookeeper Installs ZooKeeper from the ZooKeeper binaries in the toolkit, to the directory specified in
installSolr Installs Solr from the Solr binaries in the toolkit, to the directory specified in
deployExample Deploys i2 Analyze with default files and settings.
ingestExampleData Ingests entity and link record examples into the Information Store.
deploy Creates the databases, creates the application profile, and deploys i2 Analyze.
deployLiberty Deploys the i2 Analyze application into Liberty.
start Starts all i2 Analyze services on the current server.
stop Stops all i2 Analyze services on the current server.
restart Restarts all i2 Analyze services on the current server.
configSummary Summarizes the configuration of the toolkit.
version Summarizes the deployment version information.

Examples of use:

  • setup -t deployExample
  • setup -t ingestExampleData
  • setup -t deploy
  • setup -t start
  • setup -t configSummary

The following upgrade tasks are available:

Name Description
upgrade Upgrades the configuration files, and upgrades i2 Analyze.
upgradeConfiguration Upgrades the configuration files for an Information Store deployment.
upgradeZookeeper Upgrades ZooKeeper and ZooKeeper configuration files to the version required by the toolkit.
upgradeSolr Upgrades Solr and Solr configuration files to the version required by the toolkit.
upgradeDatabases Upgrades the Information Store database and clears the search index if required.
upgradeSolrCollections Upgrades ZooKeeper and Solr, and creates a new collection if required.
upgradeLiberty Upgrades Liberty to the version required by the toolkit.

Examples of use:

  • setup -t upgrade
  • setup -t upgradeConfiguration
  • setup -t upgradeSolr -hn "example.solr.hostname

The "upgradeZookeeper", "upgradeSolr", "upgradeDatabases", and "upgradeSolrCollections" tasks support an optional -hn argument that restricts their effect to a single host.

The following administration tasks are available:

Name Description
replayFromTimestamp Starts Liberty in a mode that replays all events since the time specified by the '' property in
configureHttpServer (Deprecated) Sets up the reverse proxy configuration for IBM HTTP Server.
enableLibertyAdminCenter Enable the Liberty Admin Center.
disableLibertyAdminCenter Disable the Liberty Admin Center.
generateDefaults Configures the environment with default property values.
ensureBasicUserRegistry Configures the application for basic user registry authentication.
ensureExampleUserRegistry Populates the user registry with an example user and user groups that map to the example security schema.
ensureDefaultUserProfileProvider Configures the application with the default user profile provider.
addInformationStore Generates a fragment for the Information Store, and updates topology.xml.
addI2Connect Updates topology.xml for i2 Connect.
updateConnectorsConfiguration Updates the i2 Analyze server with the connection details of the connectors defined in topology.xml. In a deployment without the Information Store, the i2 Analyze schema and charting schemes are also updated.
updateSchema Updates i2 Analyze to conform to the schema file referenced in the configuration.
updateSecuritySchema Updates i2 Analyze to use the security schema file referenced in the configuration.
updateLiveConfiguration Updates the i2 Analyze server with the latest version of the files in the configuration/live directory from the deployment toolkit.
generateAnalyzeSchemaFromIBase Generates an i2 Analyze schema and charting schemes from an iBase database.
createDatabaseStorage Creates the database storage*
createDatabases Creates the database storage and tables*
modifyInformationStoreDatabase Runs the informationStoreModifications.sql script on the Information Store database.
dropTables Drops all of the tables from the database but leaves the database intact*
dropDatabases Drops the entire database and de-allocates storage*
emptyInformationStore Empties the Information Store of data, apart from metadata.
addInformationStoreIngestionSource Adds or replaces information about an ingestion source to the Information Store.
createInformationStoreStagingTable Creates an Information Store staging table for a specific entity or link type.
ingestInformationStoreRecords Ingests records into the Information Store.
deleteProvenance Deletes (entity/link) provenance from the Information Store.
previewDeleteProvenance Previews deleting (entity/link) provenance from the Information Store.
syncInformationStoreCorrelation Synchronizes data in the Information Store after a correlation operation failed during ingestion.
enableMergedPropertyValues Creates the database views used to define the property values of merged i2 Analyze records.
disableMergedPropertyValues Removes the database views used to define the property values of merged i2 Analyze records.
duplicateProvenanceCheck Checks the Information Store for duplicated origin identifiers. Any provenance that has a duplicated origin identifier is added to a staging table.
duplicateProvenanceDelete Deletes (entity/link) provenance from the Information Store that has duplicated origin identifiers. The provenance to delete is identified in the staging tables created by the duplicateProvenanceCheck task.
deleteOrphanedDatabaseObjects Deletes (entity/link) database objects that are not associated with an i2 Analyze record from the Information Store.
createEtlToolkit Creates a DataStage ETL toolkit that contains the files DataStage requires to run pipeline jobs.
generateInformationStoreIndexCreationScripts Generates InfoStore 'create indexes' DDL scripts for the specified item type
generateInformationStoreIndexDropScripts Generates InfoStore 'drop indexes' DDL scripts for the specified item type
clearData Clears the search index and all the data in the database.
clearSearchIndex Clears the search index.
clearLTPAkeys Clears the LTPA keys.
clearInformationStoreStagingSchema Clears all the tables in the Information Store Staging Schema.
dropInformationStoreErrorTables Removes the _ERROR and _REJECT tables from the Information Store.
backupDatabases Backs up the database. i2 Analyze must be stopped first.
restoreDatabases Restores the database from a specified timestamp. i2 Analyze must be stopped first.
backupSolr Backs up the Solr index and ZooKeeper configuration.
restoreSolr Restores the Solr index and ZooKeeper configuration from a specified timestamp. i2 Analyze must be stopped first.
backupConfiguration Backs up the i2 Analyze and Liberty configuration.
restoreConfiguration Restores the i2 Analyze and Liberty configuration from a specified timestamp. i2 Analyze must be stopped first.
validateBackups Validates that the timestamps of the backups specified are in the correct chronological order.
resetPrivacyAgreements Resets privacy agreements acceptance state.
showChanges Outputs the changes to i2 Analyze since the previously installed version to the command line.

The "clearData" and "clearSearchIndex" tasks support an optional -co argument that restricts their effect to a single Solr collection.

Example of use:

  • setup -t clearData -co "

* The exact behavior of these tasks may change depending on the chosen database engine.

Tasks for DB2 only:

Name Description
catalogRemoteDB2Nodes Adds a remote database server entry to the DB2 node directory for each remote DB2 database that is defined in topology.xml
uncatalogRemoteDB2Nodes Removes the remote database server entry in the DB2 node directory for each remote DB2 database that is defined in topology.xml.
recatalogRemoteDB2Nodes Removes, then re-adds the remote database entry in the DB2 node directory for each remote DB2 database that is defined in topology.xml.
listDB2NodeDirectory Lists the contents of the DB2 node directory.
catalogDB2Databases Adds an entry to the system database directory for each DB2 database that is defined in topology.xml. If the database is remote from the i2 Analyze server, the database is cataloged at the node specified for that database in topology.xml.
uncatalogDB2Databases Removes the entry in the system database directory for each DB2 database that is defined in topology.xml.
recatalogDB2Databases Removes, then re-adds the entry in the system database directory for each DB2 database that is defined in topology.xml.
listDB2SystemDatabaseDirectory Lists the contents of the local DB2 system database directory.

Examples of use:

  • setup -t configureHttpServer
  • setup -t replayFromTimestamp

In addition to the start, stop and restart tasks, the following tasks are available:

Name Description
startLiberty Starts Liberty.
stopLiberty Stops Liberty.
restartLiberty Restarts Liberty.
startSolrAndZk Starts the Solr nodes and ZooKeeper hosts.
stopSolrAndZk Stops the Solr nodes and ZooKeeper hosts.
restartSolrAndZk Restarts the Solr nodes and ZooKeeper hosts.
startSolrNodes Starts the Solr nodes.
stopSolrNodes Stops the Solr nodes.
restartSolrNodes Restarts the Solr nodes.
startZkHosts Starts ZooKeeper hosts.
stopZkHosts Stops ZooKeeper hosts.
restartZkHosts Restarts ZooKeeper hosts.

Examples of use:

  • setup -t startSolrAndZk
  • setup -t stopZkHosts -id "1,3"
  • setup -t restartSolrNodes -id node1
  • setup -t startSolrNodes -hn "example.solr.hostname"

The "SolrNodes" and "ZkHosts" tasks support an optional -id argument.

The comma-separated list of identifiers that you specify restricts the task to the nodes and hosts with matching identifiers in the topology.

The "SolrNodes" and "ZkHosts" tasks support an optional -hn argument that restricts their effect to a single host.

The following Solr and ZooKeeper tasks are available:

Name Description
createSolrNodes Creates the Solr nodes that are defined in topology.xml. If the nodes already exist, their configuration is updated.
createZkHosts Creates the ZooKeeper hosts that are defined in topology.xml. If the hosts already exist, their configuration is updated.
getZkStatus Reports the status of the ZooKeeper hosts that are defined in topology.xml.
createAndUploadSolrConfig Creates and uploads the Solr configuration to the ZooKeeper hosts.
createSolrCollections Creates the Solr collections that are defined in topology.xml.
deleteSolrCollections Deletes the Solr collections that are defined in topology.xml.
addSolrReplicas Creates more Solr replicas after the num-replicas setting in topology.xml is increased.
deleteExcessSolrReplicas Deletes Solr replicas after the num-replicas setting in topology.xml is decreased.
deleteAllSolrReplicas Deletes Solr replicas until there is only one replica per shard.
solrReplicaStatus Checks that all Solr replicas are in sync with each other.
updateSolrReplicaPlacementPlugin Updates the Solr replica placement plugin with the configuration from solr.replica.placement.plugin.json.
checkSolrCollectionVersions Checks the versions of all Solr collections and reports on whether they need to be upgraded. Use the -co flag to check a specific collection.
upgradeAllSolrIndexes Deletes and re-creates the Solr collections to bring them up to date. As a result, the data for the 'main', 'match', and 'chart' indexes is reindexed. Other index types are cleared.
upgradeMainIndex Deletes and re-creates the 'main' Solr collection to bring it up to date. As a result, the data is reindexed.
upgradeMatchIndex Deletes and re-creates the 'match' Solr collection to bring it up to date. As a result, the data is reindexed.
upgradeChartIndex Deletes and re-creates the 'chart' Solr collection to bring it up to date. As a result, the data is reindexed.
upgradeTransientIndexes Deletes and re-creates the transient Solr collections to bring them up to date. As a result, the data is cleared.

Examples of use:

  • setup -t createSolrNodes -hn "example.solr.hostname"
  • setup -t createSolrCollections -co ""

These tasks support an optional -hn argument that restricts their effect to a single host.

The "createAndUploadSolrConfig", "createSolrCollections", and "deleteSolrCollections" tasks support an optional -co argument that restricts their effect to a single Solr collection.

The following tasks manage main indexes and match indexes. ZooKeeper and the application server must be running for these commands to succeed:

Name Description
switchStandbyMatchIndexToLive Sets the standby match index to live if it is READY, and sets the previous live match index to standby.
clearStandbyMatchIndex Deletes the contents of the standby match index and sets its state to DISABLED.
updateMatchRules Uploads the system match rules and applies them to the standby match index, which starts BUILDING again.
switchStandbyMainIndexToLive Sets the standby main index to live if it is READY, and sets the previous live main index to standby.
clearStandbyMainIndex Deletes the contents of the standby main index and sets its state to DISABLED.
rebuildStandbyMainIndex Instructs the standby main index to start BUILDING again, if it exists.
switchStandbyChartIndexToLive Sets the standby chart index to live if it is READY, and sets the previous live chart index to standby.
clearStandbyChartIndex Deletes the contents of the standby chart index and sets its state to DISABLED.
rebuildStandbyChartIndex Instructs the standby chart index to start BUILDING again, if it exists.
pauseIndexPopulation Pauses index population for a specified index or all indexes. Population is paused until the Liberty server restarts.
resumeIndexPopulation Resumes index population for a specified index or all indexes where population is currently paused.