Installing a database

Most deployments of i2 Analyze require a database management system. The software supports PostgreSQL, IBM Db2, and Microsoft SQL Server databases, which you must configure appropriately when you install them.

At this version of i2 Analyze, the supported versions of the database management systems are as follows:

  • PostgreSQL at version 15.0 or above.

    For more information about how to install PostgreSQL, see Installing PostgreSQL for i2 Analyze.

  • IBM® Db2® Enterprise Server, Advanced Enterprise Server, Workgroup Server, or Advanced Workgroup Server editions at version 11.1 Fix Pack 3 or later, or Advanced and Standard editions at version 11.5.

    Note: IBM Db2 Standard Edition - VPC Option - version 11.5 is included with i2 Analyze.

    For more information about how to install Db2, see Installing IBM Db2 for i2 Analyze.

  • Microsoft® SQL Server Standard or Enterprise editions at version 14.0 (2017), 15.0 (2019), or 16.0 (2022).

    For more information about how to install SQL Server, see Installing Microsoft SQL Server for i2 Analyze.