Editing charting scheme attribute mappings

You can use a charting scheme to map from schema property types to the attributes of Analyst's Notebook chart items, as well as to their properties. Charting schemes can contain definitions of new attribute classes whose instances you can add to Attributes lists in the Edit Charting Schemes window.

For example, to arrange for Analyst's Notebook chart items to display the dates of birth of the Person entity records that they contain, you add an instance of a Date & Time attribute class to the Attributes list for the Person entity type.

About this task

When you first start to map schema property types (and other sources) to attribute instances, you'll need to create the attribute classes that define those instances at the same time. As you build up the charting scheme, it's likely that you can reuse the classes to add attribute instances to the lists of multiple entity types.

After you add an attribute to an entity or a link type in the charting scheme, the process for specifying the value of the attribute is similar to the process for specifying chart item property values.


To map a schema property type to a chart item attribute:

  1. From the application window, click File > Edit Charting Schemes to open the Edit Charting Schemes window.

  2. Expand the charting scheme that you want to edit, and then find the entity or link type from the schema that you want to create a mapping for. (Alternatively, select the Default type in either category.)

  3. Right-click the Attributes entry under your selected entity or link type, and then click Insert Attribute Instance.

    The Insert an Attribute Class dialog appears. You can choose to create an instance of an attribute class that already exists in the charting scheme, or to select a schema property type (or a similar source) whose value you want to create an attribute class around.

  4. To create an instance of an existing attribute class:

    1. Click Select an existing attribute class, and choose an attribute class from the list.

      Note: The list of available classes is filtered by the logical types of the property types in the schema. For example, if your schema contains no numeric property types, you can't use an attribute class of type Number.

    2. Click OK to add an instance of the attribute class to the Attributes list. Schema Designer then provides a way to specify values for the attribute, the details of which depend on the type of the attribute.

  5. To base a new attribute class on a schema property type:

    1. Click Select a repository property, and then select the type of the property whose values you want to use in attributes from the list.

    2. If you want the new attribute class to have a different name from the property type you selected, edit the Specify the new attribute class name field.

    3. Click Next, and then configure the appearance and behavior of instances of the new attribute class.

    4. Click OK to create an attribute class whose type is consistent with the property type that you selected, and add an instance of that class to the Attributes list.

    5. Edit the new class and its instance to perform any further customization.


When the mapping is complete, the items on an Analyst's Notebook chart that uses this charting scheme will have attributes whose values are populated from data in the i2 Analyze records that they contain.