Creating charting schemes

A charting scheme specifies how the label, properties, and attributes of an Analyst's Notebook chart item can be populated using the property values of the i2 Analyze records that it contains. As a result, charting schemes control the appearance of items that contains i2 Analyze records in Analyst's Notebook.

Before you begin

Analyst's Notebook chart items have their own set of properties that are distinct from the properties of i2 Analyze records. These properties, which include the Label, a Date, a Time, and a Description, are the same for all chart items. You can view and edit them in Analyst's Notebook's Edit Item Properties dialog.

Furthermore, Analyst's Notebook chart items can have attributes that appear below the item label on the chart surface.

The purpose of a charting scheme is to map from the property types in the schema to the properties and attributes of Analyst's Notebook items. By defining more than one charting scheme, you can allow users to select different mappings depending on the type of visual analysis they want to perform.

About this task

When you create a schema in Schema Designer, the application automatically creates four charting schemes, named Charting Scheme 1 thru 4. Each charting scheme - and any new scheme that you create - contains entries for all the entity and link types in the schema, as well as default entries whose mappings are used when the charting scheme has no more specific mappings.

For example, you might configure the label of the default link type always to contain some specified text. That text is then used for the label of all chart links containing link records whose types don't have explicit label configuration in the charting scheme.


To create or edit a charting scheme:

  1. In the application window, click File > Edit Charting Schemes.

    If your current schema has no associated charting schemes, a dialog window opens with the four empty charting schemes in a navigation tree. If your schema does have associated charting schemes, the navigation tree displays them.

    Note: The Create Data Records setting has no effect on charting schemes for recent versions of i2 Analyze.

  2. Optional: To base a new charting scheme on one that you already have, select the existing charting scheme in the navigation tree and click Duplicate. The new charting scheme appears in the navigation tree with the prefix "Copy of".

  3. Create, edit, and delete charting schemes as you need. In general, try to delete schemes that you don't want, and rename the charting schemes that you want to keep.

    Important: Changes that you make to charting schemes in the Edit Charting Schemes dialog window (and any of its children) are not retained until you click OK to close the dialog. To save the changes, you must save the schema itself.