Standalone licenses

The simplest i2 software license is a file that's stored on the same workstation as the Analyst's Notebook installation. These standalone licenses are locked to a particular workstation through a hardware identifier that's added to the license at creation.

A user configures Analyst's Notebook with a standalone license by supplying it with a license key or a license file that you give them. After they do so, the workstation doesn't require a network or an internet connection for Analyst's Notebook to remain correctly licensed.

Every time a standalone license is created, it counts as a single activation of your total entitlement. There are two ways to create a standalone license, depending on whether the target workstation has an internet connection.

Important: Standalone licenses are not compatible with workstations running Remote Desktop Services. You must configure network or internet licensing for Analyst's Notebook users on any such workstations.

Automatic creation

To create a standalone license for an installation of Analyst's Notebook 10 on a workstation that has an internet connection, you just have to give the identifier for your entitlement to its user.

When the user supplies the EID to Analyst's Notebook as a license key, the software automatically sends the entitlement and hardware identifiers to the Sentinel EMS server. The server then uses the information to activate a part of your entitlement, and sends a license file back to Analyst's Notebook.

Note: Analyst's Notebook must have access to the Sentinel EMS server. If your organization controls internet connections on a per-application basis, you need to allow it to reach

Manual creation

When Analyst's Notebook is installed on a workstation that doesn't have an internet connection, its user will copy the necessary hardware identifier (the locking code) and send it to you. You can then use the locking code and the EID to create the license on their behalf.