Known problems and restrictions

The following are known problems or restrictions when using Oracle with iBridge:

  • iBridge 8 does not support non-Unicode Oracle databases that contain Unicode data types. This is because Oracle does not support SQL statements that contain Unicode on these kinds of databases.
  • Oracle CLOB and LONG data types are designed to store large amounts of data and cannot be searched by iBridge. If a field with one of these data types is included in an entity, the only operation it can be used for is an iBridge Show operation. Any attempt to run a query containing a condition on a field with either of these underlying data types can result in an error.
    Note: The ability to use such a field within a Show operation is only available using the Oracle supplied OLEDB provider.
  • There is a bug in iBridge Designer that can occur if a relationship is when there are fields in the two related tables that have the same name. An ambiguous column name error will be displayed. This error only occurs if there is a maximum records restriction on the previewed data.
    If this error occurs consider one of the following actions:
    • Remove the maximum records restriction on the relationship preview by setting the maximum records to zero.
      Note: This may have an implication on the speed at which the query is processed if there is a large number of records in the two tables.
    • Preview the two tables separately but simultaneously (the tables can be sorted on the joined fields if required and the maximum records restriction can be applied).
    • Change the name of the field in one of the tables in the database (or set up a view with different field names and preview the view).
  • There are some restrictions on the use of Binary fields:
    • Binary fields longer than 32 bytes cannot be on Cards, a Key field, or a Find field.
    • Short Binary fields cannot be used to Chart as picture.
  • If you are using a filter condition on a fixed length padded field (for example, when defining a sub type) and you encounter problems, consider creating a view with a variable length field instead.