Installing a typical TCP/IP setup

Before you can connect to an Oracle database within iBridge you must install and run the Net Configuration Assistant software on each client computer. The Net Configuration Assistant creates or modifies the file tnsnames.ora, this contains the connection information for any Oracle servers, and is normally located in the folder oracle\admin.

You can edit this file manually or you can use the Net Configuration Assistant tool supplied with the Oracle client software.

To perform a typical TCP/IP Net Configuration setup using the Net Configuration Assistant tool:
  1. Start the Net Configuration Assistant tool from the Start menu: Start > Programs > OraClient11g_home1 > Net Configuration Assistant
    Note: The path may be different depending on your operating system.
  2. Select Local Net Service Name configuration from the list of configurations to use and click Next to display the Net Service Name Configuration page.
  3. Select Add and click Next to move to the Net Service Name Configuration, New Service Name page.
  4. Enter a service name in the Net Service Name box, this is composed of the database name followed by the Oracle domain name. You can find out the Oracle domain name by looking in the init.ora file. An example of the line of the file you would see is db_domain = Click Next to display Net Service Name Service Configuration, TCP/IP Select Protocols page.
  5. Select TCP and click Next to display the Net Service Name Service Configuration, TCP/IP protocol page.
  6. Ensure that the port number is correct. The number defaults to 1521 and you should not normally need to change this. Click Next to display the Net Service Name Service Configuration, Test page.
  7. Click Test to check the connection. The Connection Test dialog is displayed and the connection is tested. When this is complete click Close to close the Connection Test dialog and finish the New Configuration setup.