Setting up database connections

Before you can schedule any batch imports or exports, you need to set up a connection to the iBase database. The database can be local or on the network.


  1. If the database is on the network, check that it can be opened:
    1. Close iBase Scheduler.
    2. Open iBase Designer.
    3. Select File > Open Database
    4. In the File name box, type in the UNC path of the database (.idb) file, and then click Open.
      Note: Paths that are entered by using a mapped network drive are always converted to UNC (Uniform Naming Convention) paths when you click OK.
    5. Close iBase Designer.
    6. Reopen iBase Scheduler.
      Note: A system administrator must first open the database using the UNC path before other users can open it using this path.
  2. In the Connections area, enter the name that you want to use for the connection to the database.
  3. Enter the path to the database file (.idb).
  4. Enter the path to the security file (.ids) for this database.
  5. Enter the iBase username and password that you want the Scheduler service to use. These credentials will be saved in the Scheduler database in encrypted form.
    For details of the permissions required by this user account, see Scheduling imports and exports. To verify that the connection works, click Test Connection.
  6. Click OK to save the database connection.


The database connection is configured. You can change any of the details of an existing connection, such as the connection name, database path, username, and password without affecting any scheduled tasks. To edit a connection, click Edit in the Connections area.

Although the changes to the connection are made as soon as you click OK, the changes only affect the Scheduler service when the next task is scheduled. To update the schedules, cancel the current scheduled tasks by making the trigger inactive.

Note: It might not be appropriate to change the database path to another database because the tasks may no longer be relevant to the batch specifications in the new database.

To remove a database connection and all the tasks, triggers, and scheduled tasks that are associated with it, click Delete in the Connections area.

If you use the logging option, when tasks are scheduled to run, any scheduled tasks for this database are marked as Trigger deleted in the log description.

The connection to a database might be unsuccessful for various reasons. For example:
  • The username or password are no longer valid.
  • The user account has insufficient permissions to open the database. See Scheduling imports and exports for the required permissions.
  • It references a security file that is not associated with the database.
  • Someone is logged on to the security file in iBase Designer, and made a change but has not yet logged off.
  • The database has moved so the path is no longer correct.
  • The database has been deleted.

Immediately after you open iBase Scheduler, you may be unable to select any of the database connections and this message appears:

Could not connect to the iBase database for this connection. 
The database may have been moved or deleted, or your connection details are incorrect.

This occurs if the database for the first connection in the list is open in iBase Designer. To continue, close the database in iBase Designer. A similar problem also occurs later in the session if one of the other databases for which there are connections is open. To continue, find out which of the databases is open in iBase Designer, and close it.