Installing and configuring Scheduler

The Scheduler Configuration utility can be installed as a stand-alone application, or with the Scheduler Service component.

It is suggested that you install the Scheduler Service component on an application server that continually runs the Windows operating system.

If the machine on which iBase Scheduler is installed is in a remote location, or a location that is not easily accessible, the folder that the Scheduler database is installed into must be shared so that it can be accessed from other machines on the network by the Scheduler Configuration Utility.

If the Scheduler service is to complete imports or exports solely with Microsoft Access iBase databases that are on the same machine as the service is running, a standard installation of Scheduler suffices. However, if iBase SQL Server databases are to be used with integrated security or the iBase database, or one or more files are to be accessed across the network, any combination of the following might have to be altered:
  • The Scheduler Service account startup context
  • SQL Server permissions
  • File and folder security permissions
  • Folder share permissions
For example, when import files, export files, or trigger files must be accessed over the network, one or more of the following changes must be made:
  • Change the configuration of the Scheduler service to start by using the security context of a domain account. Grant this account the relevant access rights to the files.
  • If the account context under which the service is configured to start must remain as ‘Local System’, the permissions to all files and folders that are to be accessed must be changed. The local system account has limited network access and is only able to access files that are authorization that is granted to the ‘Everyone’ group.
  • If the database is an SQL Server database and the SQL server is on another machine, the service must be configured to run under the context of a domain user with sufficient rights to access the SQL Server database on the SQL server.