Clear alert data

If you have removed an alert definition, you might also want to clean up any alert data that has been generated since the alert was originally defined. You can use the Clear Alert Data option to remove alert information that is not connected to an alert definition.

About this task

When alerts are generated from an alert definition, details of the alert are stored in the database, and users are notified either within iBase or via email. When alert definitions are deleted, either directly, or automatically, the alert information is retained in the database, but can be removed when required.

For alerts that are no longer associated with an alert definition, using Clear Alert Data removes the following:
  • iBase inbox notifications
  • Information about the alert in the database


  1. In the Alerting dialog, select Alert Definitions.
  2. Select Clear Alert Data.
    A message displays informing you of the consequences of this action.
  3. Select Yes to confirm that you would like to proceed.