The example user guide database

An example database that is called User Guide.idb is installed with iBase. This is a Microsoft Access database and demonstrates many of the features of iBase and iBase Designer. Typically each user needs a separate copy of the database if used for training purposes. There is a command to reset the database to its original state.

Some features are specific to SQL Server databases only and you might need to convert (upsize) each copy of the database to SQL Server before your users can use these features. Alternatively, users might be able to do this for themselves, using the Database Upsize wizard, if you provide them with details of how to connect to the SQL Server machine.

Before users upsize their copy of the database, they must to rename the User Guide.idb file so that it is unique on the SQL Server instance. For example, they might add their initials to the file name: User Guide EB.idb. They will also need to rename the other files associated with the database (with the suffixes .dot, .doc, .ant, and .idx).

See Upsizing a Database to SQL Server for further details.

Copying the User Guide database to a user application data area

The User Guide database is copied automatically to the user's application data area when they first open the database. This gives each user a separate copy of the database and ensures that the security file is in the correct location.

To copy the database and open it, each user selects from the Programs group on the Windows Start menu:

i2 iBase > Documentation > iBase User Guide Database

The first time that they open the database in this way, the Examples folder is copied to their application data area. User Guide.idb is opened from this location, and a shortcut to this location is added to the user's My Documents folder (or equivalent depending on the version of Microsoft Windows).

Standard user accounts for the User Guide database

These are the standard user accounts for the User Guide database:

User account





A user with all the permissions required for general use.



A full system administrator.



A Data Entry User with restricted menu functionality and access to fewer links.



An analytical user with read-only access.

Reverting to a clean copy of the User Guide database

At any point, a user can restore the database to an unmodified state by replacing the database in their application data area (see above) with the database as installed initially. If the database has been upsized to SQL Server, it restores the Access database but leaves the SQL Server database on the server.

To revert the database:

  1. Select the following from the Programs group on the Windows Start menu:

    i2 iBase > Documentation > iBase User Guide Database

  2. Click Yes when prompted to reset the database.

    Note: Reverting to an unmodified User Guide database means that you lose any changes that you made to the User Guide database. For example, you delete all entities, links, sets, queries, and other folder objects that you created or modified.

    Note: Any files that are created independently, such as export files remain.

Moving the User Guide database to a new location

If you move the User Guide database from the standard location, you need to open it in iBase Designer to reregister the location of the security file that controls it.