Completing and verifying the import specification

When you have completed the process of mapping source information to iBase field types, you can complete the import specification and verify the results before running the import.


  1. Check the Session Defaults.

    For specific types of iBase field, you can specify default values to be added if the source data does not contain a value. You should check that any existing defaults apply to your current import, and amend if necessary.

  2. Select the overall import options:



    Create an import set

    You can create a set that contains records that were affected by the import.

    Write the import statistics summary to a file

    You can store the results of the import as a text file, and select either to overwrite any existing file, or produce a file identified using a timestamp.

    Write all the records with errors to a file

    You can create a report of any errors with the import, and select either to overwrite any existing file of the specified name, or produce a file identified using a timestamp.

    Automatically stop the import if this number of errors occur

    You can choose to stop the import if the number of errors hits a specified threshold.

    Note: To analyze the incoming data and check for errors, you can instruct iBase to generate import logs by selecting the checkboxes for both "Write" options at this stage.

  3. Optional: Click Verify to check the output of the import is as you expect, before making the changes in the database. This lists the time taken from Start to Finish, and the total Duration of the verification check. In addition, it displays the number of identified records of each type identified in the source data, along with the status of that information:

    • Not found - unique data that does not match existing records in the database.

    • Different - data that has matched records in the database using the identifiers provided, but has other values that differ from the existing records.

    • Same - data that has matched records in the database using the identifiers provided, and matches the other values present in the database.

    • Errors - any errors that were flagged when importing this data type.

  4. Click Run to import the data.