Selecting the type of records to import
iBase can import data from a number of different sources. The first step in creating an import specification is identifying the structure and location of data that will be added to records.
Select File > Data > Import.
Select the type of record that will be created. Each import specification can import data for single entity type or a link type and two supported link ends. Specify whether the data corresponds to Entities or Links, and select the type of record to create.
Optional: Select the options that apply to your import:
Bulk Import - You can specify that the import specification is intended for bulk import. In addition, you can select Do not perform safety checks before importing to prevent verification of the number of records in the database that would be updated by the import.
Validate imported 'Selected from Code List' values - If you want to verify that the values in the source data are valid for the code lists in the current database. Invalid values are reported as errors during an import.
Do not update existing field values with blank values - If you want to prevent blank fields in the source data from overwriting fields in existing iBase records that contain data, turn on this option. This option applies where the action on discovering a match with existing data is Modify Record.
Select the type of file that contains the data:
Text File - Data in a file.
OLE DB Compliant Data Source - Data is held, for example, in a Microsoft™ Access database, in a Microsoft SQL Server database, or in an Oracle database. For more information, see Importing from OLE DB data sources.
XML (iBase Schema) File - For more information, see Bulk importing.
Microsoft Excel Worksheet - Data in a .xls file. For more information, see Importing from Microsoft Excel worksheets.
Folder Contents - Data is held in a specified folder. For more information, see Importing files from a folder.
The import source contains 'Record ID's that originate from this database - The data that is being imported relates to updates to specific records that are already in this database. For more information, see Exporting and importing externally edited iBase data.