The Scheduler Log
Scheduler cannot send progress or error information for an interactive user to act upon because importing or exporting data by using Scheduler is a non-interactive automatic process. Any actions the Scheduler Service makes are recorded in the Scheduler log.
The Scheduler log is an important source of information about what happens. In particular, its record of the sequence of events provides valuable diagnostic information about the import or export. The level of detail that is recorded in the Scheduler log can be configured on a per connection basis and includes:
When a task is scheduled
When a task runs and its completion status
When task actions run and their completion status
When an individual component within a task runs, and its completion status
Statistics that are returned from a task component
Errors and warnings detected by the service
NLog is the logging framework that is used by Scheduler, and is fully configured using the NLog.config file. The default configuration is to write a log.csv in C:\ProgramData\i2\i2 iBase\Scheduler. Scheduler log files display in Microsoft File Explorer, and can be selected using the View Logs button in the Scheduler. For more information about customizing the log, contact i2 Support.