Entity and property semantic types recognized by smart matching

Some entity and property semantic types are recognized and used by smart matching.

Each property plays a role in assessing the likelihood that two entities represent the same real-world object. Some properties identify the entity, such as a national identifier for a person or a license plate number for a vehicle. Other properties contribute additional information. At least one identifying property must be assigned to an entity for a match to occur.

This table lists the entity semantic types that are recognized by smart matching and the related property semantic types that are also considered.
Note: All of the recognized property semantic types can contribute to a match for a pair of entities but they contribute less than the property types associated with the entity type. For example, a phone number identifies a phone but it can also contribute to a person match.

The \ symbol in the table indicates a child semantic type.

Property semantic types in bold indicate identifying types or components of identifying types. For matching to take place, at least one identifying type must be assigned to an entity. For example, to match entities that are assigned the Car entity semantic type, the entities must have a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) or a Vehicle License Plate Number or both. They might also have other information such as make and model of the vehicle.

The Culture column contains the following entries:

The matching behavior of these entity types is culturally independent. For example, Bank Card, Phone and Web Site entity types match regardless of the language and region of the data.


The matching behavior of these entity types has some US/UK specific behavior, but matching these types is still effective in all languages and regions. For example, Motor Vehicle, Organization and Event.


The matching behavior of these entity types depends on the US/UK English culture. For example, Person and Location entity types assume US/UK English culture for names and addresses. You can match these entity types outside of the US/UK English language and region, however, the results might not be as expected.

Culture Entity types Property semantic types
Neutral Bank Card

\Credit Card

\Debit Card

Card Number

Card Type

Neutral Bank Account Account Number

Account Routing Number (US)

Bank Sort Code (UK)

Partial Motor Vehicle



\Police Car




Vehicle License Plate Number

Vehicle Model

Vehicle Color

Vehicle Make

Vehicle Body Style

Vehicle Year

Neutral Event



Event Date Time

Event Date or Event Start Date

Event Time or Event Start Time

Event Title

Event End Date

Event End Time

US/UK Person

\Law Enforcement Officer


\Person Alias

National Identifier

Person Full Name

Person First Name

Person Middle Names

Person Last Name

Email Address

Date Of Birth

Person Title

Person Suffix


Partial Organization




\Criminal Organization

\Government Agency

\Law Enforcement Agency

\Organization Name Alias

Organization Name
Neutral Phone

\Cell Phone

\Fax Machine


Phone Number

Local Number

Area Code

International Code

US/UK Location


\Mailing Address

ZIP Code

Full Address

Address Line 1

Address Line 2

Address Line 3

Address Line 4

Address Line 5

Apartment Number

Building Number/Name

Street Name

City Name

State Name

Post Office Box

Country Name

Country Code

Neutral Website

\Web Page

Web Address