Setting entity or link types in the import design

Every entity and every link in an import design must have a type. The default import design contains two entities and a link as examples to help you set types that reflect your incoming data. To use an import design, you must set the type for each entity and link it contains.

About this task

The entity or link types that you can set depends on the import specification. For a classic specification, they match the types in the Analyst's Notebook template and you cannot add custom types. For a specification that is aligned with an i2 Analyze schema, they match the entity and link types in that schema, unless you set custom types for your import.


To set a type for either a classic or an i2 Analyze aligned specification:
  1. In the import design, click an entity or a link.
  2. In the table next to the import design, select a type from the Type list.
    In the aligned case, any types that are invalid because of link end constraints have a red cross next to them.
    When you select a type, the import design displays the entity or link type name. If you selected an entity type, the entity type icon is displayed in the import design. Link types are numbered according to how many links you are including in the import design. You cannot change the summarization of links set by the current schema from the Assign Columns window, however you can run the import and use Link summarization on the records bar. For more information, see Link summarization.

What to do next

Once you have set types for your incoming data, you can configure property values for the entities and links. If you are working with an i2 Analyze aligned specification, you can also create new custom types and properties to work with data not supported in your schema. For more information, see Creating custom entity or link types, and Setting custom properties