Example batch import

Using a batch file, you can run a series of imports that add data into multiple charts.

SeriesImport -b Example 1 Specification
SeriesImport -b Example 2 Specification -i Example 2.txt -c
SeriesImport -b Example 3 Specification -p Military.ant -c
SeriesImport -b Example 4 Specification -p Standard.ant -f
Running these batch files results in the following actions:
  1. The Example 1 Specification import specification is run, importing the data file specified within the specification. If a chart is already open, the data is imported into the existing chart.
  2. The Example 2 Specification import specification is run, importing the data file Example.2.txt. The data is imported into a new chart.
  3. The Example 3 Specification import specification is run, importing the data file specified within the specification. The data is imported into a new chart that is created from the Military template.
  4. In the same chart, the Example 4 Specification import specification is run, importing the data file specified within the specification. The Standard template is merged with the original Military template.