Listing linked entities

The Linked Entities pane lists the entities that are linked to the selected entity. To help you identify potentially significant entities, you can sort the list on different properties, and copy the results to the clipboard.


  1. Select an entity on the charting surface.
  2. Click the Analyze tab, and then in the List group, click Linked Entities Pane.
    The Linked Entities pane opens and lists the entities that are linked to the selected entity.
  3. To choose from the full list of properties that the list can be sorted on, click the Sort drop-down, then select a property from the list.
    Property Description
    Entity The label of the entity. The list is sorted in ascending alphanumeric order. If an entity has no label, its identity is used.
    Link The label of the link that connects the selected entity and the linked entity. The list is sorted in ascending alphanumeric order. If the connection consists of several links, then the number of links is displayed, for example (2 links).
    Direction The direction of the link. Links might have no direction, be outgoing from the entity, be incoming to the entity or bidirectional. The list is sorted in ascending order and can be switched to descending order by clicking the column header.
    Onward Entities The number of other entities that the linked entity is connected to. The list is sorted in descending numerical order.
    Angle The positional angle of linked entities in relation to the selected entity. Entities that are positioned directly above the selected entity, at zero degrees, are listed first, and degree position increases down the list so that entities are listed in clockwise order.
    Position The list is sorted so that panning between entities is minimized. You can walk through the items, clicking them to view their position in the chart. The entities at the top of the list are typically the entities nearest the selected entity.
  4. Click the Copy drop-down and select from the available copy options.
    Command Description
    Copy Entity Labels Copies entity labels to the clipboard. Places each entity label on a new line.
    Copy Table Copies entire table to the clipboard in tab separated format.