Create a weightings file

A weightings value is shown on links to represent the real-world strengths of connections between entities. You can create weightings that are based on the link types or link labels that exist on the chart.


To create a weightings file:
  1. Click Create a New File to show the Edit Weightings window.
  2. Optional: To create a weighting that is based on link type, select Link Type and then click New to enter edit mode. Enter the link type and numeric weighting value in the relevant columns and click OK. You can create a weighting that is based on link label with the same method.
  3. Optional: To import weightings from an existing .csv file. Click Import and use the Select Import File window to browse to and select the file, and then click Open. Details from the .csv file are added to the Weightings window.
  4. Optional: To add weighting that is based on link labels, select Link Label and then click Add from Chart. The Weightings table is populated with a list of the link labels and weightings that exist on the chart. By default, links that did not have a weighting value on the chart have a weighting value of one in the table. You can update this value manually if necessary.
  5. Click OK.