Moving between selected items on the chart

You can use the Pan through Selection pane to view a sequence of items without manually scrolling from one to the next. You can present a sequence of events to focus on each event in turn, or to compare each item to the next.


To define a list of items to browse:
  1. Click the View tab, and then in the Show group, click More Panes > Pan through Selection.
  2. Select the items that you want to browse. This selection might result from using one of the following analysis tools:
    • List Items
    • Visual Search
    • Find Linked
    Note: You can select the items manually. If you have a theme line with many event frames attached to it, select all of the event frames that are attached to the theme line.
  1. In the List Options list on the Pan through Selection pane (the second list), select one of the following options:
    Replace List with Selection Removes any existing items in the browse list before you add the current selection.
    Add Selection to List Adds the current selection to items already in the browse list.
  2. Click Apply Command, next to the List Options list. Items are added to the browse list in the order in which they were selected, for example in the List Items window. The item that is added last is selected in the browse list.
    Tip: To directly add items to the browse list when you click them on the chart surface, set Lock/Unlock List to off.
  3. Optional: To sort the browse list, select an option from the Sort Options list, then click Apply Command next to the Sort Options list.
    The list is sorted.
  4. To move between items in the browse list, click the following buttons:
    Browse to Next Item Moves to the next item in the list.
    Browse to Previous Item Moves to the previous item in the list.
    The item is centered in the chart window. Its label is shown in the browse list. Entities are displayed by using their label. Links are displayed by using the link summary.
  5. To clear the browse list, select Clear List from the List Options list (the second list), then click Apply Command next to the List Options list.