Setting spelling check options

You can set the options to use when you spell check a chart. You might want to ignore or specify certain types of text.


To show the Spelling page:
  1. Click File > Options.
  2. In the Options window, select the Spelling page.
  3. You can choose to spell check entities, links, or both entities and links. Specify chart items to include in the spelling check, by selecting:
    Entities and Links Spell check all entities and links.
    Entities Only Spell check only entities.
    Links Only Spell check only links.
  4. You can tell Analyst's Notebook to ignore certain kinds of text in your chart when you check spelling. You might want to ignore words with numbers. The spelling check can also suggest similarly sounding or similarly spelled words. Select or clear the following check boxes:
    Capitalized words For example, Canada.
    Uppercase words For example, ASAP.
    Words with numbers For example, Windows2000.
    Mixed case words For example, AstroTurf.
    Domain names For example,
    HTML markup For example, <p>
    Report doubled words For example, the the.
    Case-sensitive checking  
    Suggest similarly sounding words Suggests "whose" and "hoes" for "hoose".
    Suggest similarly spelled words Suggests "house" and "choose" for "hoose".
    Suggest split words