Specifying available plug-ins

To list the installed plug-ins, expand either the Standard or Extension sections, and use the scroll bar to view the list of plug-ins for each type. The list of plug-ins for each type are grouped under the subsections Loaded and Unloaded showing those plug-ins that are successfully loaded or failed to load


To specify available and unavailable plug-ins:
  • To enable a plug-in, select the plug-in in the displayed list, and select the Load on Startup check box.
  • To disable a plug-in, select the required plug-in and clear the Load on Startup and Protect against Plug-in Failure check boxes
  • You also select the Protect against Plug-in Failure check box to allow Analyst's Notebook to load properly even if the plug-in fails to load. The plug-in can then be reported in the Failed area when Analyst's Notebook is up and running.