The file
The following properties are in the file:
Property | Description | Default value |
IdleLogoutMinutes | The idle time in minutes after which the end user is logged out. The value of this setting must be greater than AlertBeforeIdleLogoutMinutes. | 15 |
AlertBeforeIdleLogoutMinutes | The time in minutes the end user is alerted prior to being logged out due to inactivity. The value of this setting must be less than IdleLogoutMinutes. | 2 |
AlwaysAllowLogout | Forces logout to always be available for all authentication methods. | false |
ResultsConfigurationResource | The file that specifies what options are available to users when they view and filter results. |
CommandAccessControlResource | The file that is used to specify specific group access to commands. |
EnableSolrIndexScheduler | Turn on or off the scheduling of indexing Setting this option to false disables the scheduler and should be used when ingesting large amounts of data. | true |
SolrHealthCheckIntervalInSeconds | The interval time in seconds between the checks of the Solr cluster status. | 60 |
QueryTimeoutSeconds | The time in seconds after which the server can cancel a search, resulting in an error. This is not an absolute limit. A search might continue to run for several seconds after the limit is reached, but it should terminate within a reasonable time. A zero setting disables search timeout. | 60 |
WildcardMinCharsWithAsterisk | The minimum number of characters (not counting asterisks) that must be provided in a wildcard text search query that contains asterisks. | 0 |
WildcardMinCharsWithQuestionMark | The minimum number of characters (not counting question marks or asterisks) that must be provided in a wildcard text search query that contains question marks. | 0 |
SearchTermMaxLevenshteinDistance | The maximum Levenshtein distance for spelled-like text searches. The allowed values are 2, 1, and 0. Set the value to 0 to turn off spelled-like text searches. | 2 |
VisualQueryTimeoutMinutes | The time in minutes after which the server cancels a running visual query and sends an error response. Set the value to 0 to turn off visual query timeouts. | 240 |
VisualQueryWildcardMinCharsWithAsterisk | The minimum number of characters (not counting asterisks) that must be provided in a visual query condition that contains or implies asterisks. (Matches wildcard pattern; Starts with; Ends with; Contains) | 0 |
VisualQueryWildcardMinCharsWithQuestionMark | The minimum number of characters (not counting question marks or asterisks) that must be provided in a visual query condition that contains question marks. (Matches wildcard pattern) | 0 |
VisualQueryConfigurationResource | The file that specifies what operators are valid in visual query conditions that involve particular property types of particular item types. |
VisualQueryMaxValuesInList | The maximum number of values in the value list of a visual query condition. | 10000 |
RecordMaxNotes | The maximum number of notes that can be added to a record. | 50 |
MaxRecordsPerDeleteRequest | The maximum number of records that can be deleted in one request. | 500 |
MaxSourceIdentifiersPerRecord | The maximum number of source identifiers that can be present on a record. | 50 |
MaxSeedsForDaodServices | The maximum number of records to send as seeds to any i2 Connect service in a "DAOD" or "combined" deployment. | 500 |
AlertScheduleTimeOfDay | The time of day to run the Visual Queries that are saved with alerting enabled. The format is HH:mm, HH is the hour of the day in a 24-hour time format, 00-23, and mm is the number of minutes past the hour, 00-59. | 00:00 |
ExpandMaxResultsSoftLimit | The soft limit for the maximum number of results that can be returned for an Expand operation. | 0 |
SourceReferenceSchemaResource | The file that restricts the source names and types that users can specify in source references when creating and importing records. |
LinkMatchEndRecordCombinationLimit | The maximum number of link end combinations that are searched for when performing link matching. | 100 |
ChartUnsavedChangesLifespanDays | The length of time for which the server retains unsaved changes to a chart across user sessions. Any change to an unsaved chart resets the timer. | 7 |
ChartUnsavedChangesCleanUpScheduleExpression | The schedule on which to clean up unsaved changes to charts when ChartUnsavedChangesLifespanDays is exceeded. The format is a Unix C cron expression. | 0 0 * * 0 |
I2ConnectRecordMatchAction | The action to perform when records in an i2 Connect result set match other records in the set. The permitted values for this setting are IGNORE, UNITE, and MERGE. | IGNORE |
EnableWelcomePage | Enables a welcome page that is displayed when a user first connects from Analyst's Notebook 10. | false |
EnablePrivacyPrompt | Enables a privacy agreement that users must accept during login in order to access the i2 Analyze server. | false |
PrivacyAcceptancePeriodDays | The period after which a user who has accepted the privacy agreement must read and accept it again. When this property has no value, users do not see the agreement again until the mechanism is reset. |
EnableMetrics | Enables the generation of server metrics for the consumption of monitoring software such as Prometheus. | false |
SecurityDimensionValuesReloadInterval | The schedule on which to reload information from any specified security dimension values provider. These settings have an effect only when a provider class is specified in the security schema. Reasonable values for the units setting are MINUTES, HOURS, and DAYS. | 15 |
SecurityDimensionValuesReloadIntervalUnits |
SecurityDimensionValuesProviderTimeout | A timeout on the duration of calls to a dimension values provider. If a call doesn't return within the configured period, an exception is thrown. Reasonable values for the units setting are SECONDS and MINUTES. | 60 |
SecurityDimensionValuesProviderTimeoutUnits |
SecurityPermissionsProviderTimeout | A timeout on the duration of calls to the permissions provider. If a call doesn't return within the configured period, an exception is thrown. Reasonable values for the units setting are SECONDS and MINUTES. | 60 |
SecurityPermissionsProviderTimeoutUnits |
MaxChartletSizeInMB | The maximum size in megabytes of a chartlet that a user creates when they share records. Chartlets are stored in Solr, so raising this limit might require extra Solr storage resources. | 100 |
ChartletLifespan | The lifespan of a chartlet determines how long it remains in the index before it becomes eligible for deletion. The lifespan is a combination of magnitude and units. The units can be SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, or DAYS. | 7 |
ChartletLifespanUnits |
| DAYS |
DeploymentDisplayName | The display name for the deployment, which might appear in a client user interface. |