The file

The following properties are in the file:



Default value


The file that contains the schema for the Chart Store or the Information Store. This setting can be removed if the deployment includes neither store. When specified, this XML file needs to be on the classpath.



The file that contains charting schemes for the Chart Store or the Information Store. This setting can be removed if the deployment includes neither store. When specified, this XML file needs to be on the classpath.



A file that contains a gateway schema for this deployment of i2 Analyze. This setting can be removed if the deployment does not require a gateway schema. When specified, this XML file needs to be on the classpath.


A file that contains gateway charting schemes for this deployment of i2 Analyze. This setting can be removed if the deployment does not include a gateway schema. When specified, this XML file needs to be on the classpath.


The security schema file, which defines the security dimensions and values that are available in the system, and the mapping of user groups to dimension values. This (XML) file needs to be on the classpath.



The full class name of the audit logger. If no auditing is required, specify com.i2group.disco.audit.NoOpAuditLogger



The full class name of the default security dimension values provider. Use com.i2group.disco.user.PropertyBasedDefaultSecurityDimensionValuesProvider to set the default security dimension values on a record to the list from the DefaultSecurityDimensionValues element in your security schema. This is only applicable to the Information Store with Opal Services.



The full class name of the user groups provider, when i2 Analyze is in just-in-time provisioning mode. To retrieve user groups from the Open Liberty user registry, specify com.i2group.disco.user.WebSphereUserGroupsProvider To retrieve user groups from a claims-based mechanism, for example OpenID Connect (OIDC), specify com.i2group.disco.user.ClaimsBasedUserGroupsProvider



Since version 4.4.4, i2 Analyze supports using externally provided unique identifiers to identify users. Earlier versions always used principal names for user identification. When you upgrade from version 4.4.3 or earlier, existing data that identifies users by their principal names cannot support a change to user identifiers. During upgrade, the installer enables a compatibility mode that allows the system to continue to use principal names, by setting UserIdentityCompatibilityMode to 'true'.



Since version 4.4.4, i2 Analyze supports a mechanism for provisioning users and groups from a file when the application starts, creating an "allow list" for those who are permitted to use the application. When you upgrade from version 4.4.3 or earlier, existing configuration for federated user registries might not produce the correct results. During upgrade, the installer enables a compatibility mode in which users and groups are provisioned "just-in-time" as they authenticate, by setting ProvisioningCompatibilityMode to 'true'.
