Connecting clients

After you deploy and start i2 Analyze, connect to your system by using one of the supported clients and search for data. Depending on the deployed components, you can access an i2 Analyze system by using either i2 Analyst's Notebook or one of the web clients.

Before you begin

Before you can use any client to connect, you must:

  • Set up at least one user on the application server that has permission to access records in i2 Analyze

  • Ensure that i2 Analyze is started.

  • Make a note of the URI for connections. When you start i2 Analyze, the URI that can be used to connect is displayed in the console. For example:

    Web application available (default_host): http://host_name:9082/opal

To use Analyst's Notebook to connect, you must also:

To use a web client to connect, you must also:

  • Ensure that you have the correct license agreements in place to use the i2 Investigate or the i2 Notebook web client.

  • If you want to use the i2 Notebook web client, ensure that you have configured your deployment to use SSL and given users the relevant command access permission. For more information, see Enabling access to the i2 Notebook web client.

    Note: When you create an example deployment, the example user already has the necessary permission to use the i2 Notebook web client. Also, if you have access to the i2 Analyze server, you can connect to the client through the localhost URL without configuring SSL.


To use a web client to connect:

  1. Open a web browser, and navigate to https://<host_name>/opal. The web client displays a login dialog.

  2. Enter the name and password of a user who is registered in the application server.

    If that user has permission to use the i2 Notebook web client, you see that application's user interface. If they do not have permission, you see the i2 Investigate web client user interface instead.

  3. Search for and visualize data to verify that the application is working correctly.

What to do next

i2 Analyze can display a welcome page when users connect through Analyst's Notebook. For information on setting that up, see Displaying a welcome page in Analyst's Notebook.