Deployment toolkit validation messages

The i2 Analyze deployment toolkit validates some of the configuration files that are required for a deployment. By reading the validation messages, you can be certain that required properties have values, that property values have the correct format, and that required files are in the correct locations.

Validation takes place when you run a number of the deployment toolkit tasks. Validation can complete in the following ways:


On success, the validation process displays a brief configuration summary, and the main deployment process continues. For example:

============== Configuration Summary (brief) ==============
 + configuration/fragments/common/WEB-INF/classes/ApolloServerSettings
   - ChartingSchemesResource='law-enforcement-schema-charting-schemes.xml'
   - SchemaResource='law-enforcement-schema.xml'
   - DynamicSecuritySchemaResource='security-schema.xml'


When there is a warning, the validation process displays a brief configuration summary and a WARNINGS section. The WARNINGS section identifies settings that might not be configured correctly, but the deployment process continues. For example:

====================== WARNINGS (1) =======================
 + configuration/fragments/common/WEB-INF/classes/ApolloServerSettings
   - The <SchemaResource> property has not been set.

Here, the schema is not set, and so the default law enforcement schema is used.


If an error occurs, the validation process displays a longer configuration summary, and an ERRORS section. The ERRORS section identifies missing values that must be present. The deployment process stops, and you must correct the errors before you attempt to deploy again. For example:

======================= ERRORS (1) ========================
 + configuration/environment/opal-server/
   - "db.database.location.dir" has not been set

Here, the database location directory is not set, so the database cannot be configured.