Updating the Information Store for changed data

The data that the Information Store ingests is fixed at the moment of ingestion, and changes to the data in its source do not automatically update the Information Store. However, you can update the Information Store to reflect changes in an external source by running through the ingestion process again.

About this task

For most changes to the data in an external source, it is likely that you can reuse the work that you did to enable initial ingestion. If the changes to an external source are not significant enough to affect your method for generating reproducible origin identifiers, repeat ingestion follows the same process as initial ingestion.


  1. Examine the new or changed data in the external source, and your ingestion mappings. Confirm that your configuration still generates origin identifiers that the Information Store can compare with their equivalents in existing ingested data.

  2. Delete the contents of each staging table that you know to be affected by changes to the external data.

  3. Populate the affected staging tables with the latest data from your external source.

  4. Run the ingestion command specifying the standard import mode for each ingestion mapping that refers to an affected staging table, taking care to process entity data before link data, as usual.

    The Information Store uses the origin identifier of each row that it attempts to ingest to determine whether the data is new:

    • If the origin identifier does not match the origin identifier of any data that is already in the Information Store, then the data is new to the Information Store. It is ingested in the usual way.

    • If the origin identifier does match the origin identifier of any data that is already in the Information Store, then the staging table contains updated information. The Information Store clears its existing data and refills it with the new data.

      Note: If the correlation identifier changed, additional merge and unmerge operations might occur.


After you follow this procedure, the Information Store contains new data that was added to an external source since the last ingestion. It also contains updated data that was changed in an external source since the last ingestion.