Property Type Identifiers

If you have added an Item Type Identifier to a Visual Query rule, by default, the rule will apply to all the applicable property types. If required, to apply the rule to specific property types, you can add the property types identifiers.

The PropertyTypeIds argument allows you to specify the property types to restrict. It assumes that the specified values are found in the current i2 schema that is being used in your deployment. To help ensure that your values are valid, you might want to have the schema open for reference when you are creating your restrictions. In addition, to help troubleshoot issues, it may also help to add the display name or description of the property type into a comment about the rule.

Note: Property Type Identifiers can only be applied to rules that specify an Item Type, and the Property Types must correspond to the specified Item Type
For example the following property types in the law enforcement schema:
<EntityType Id="ET5" 
Description="Person details" 
Icon="Person (Shaded Shirt)">
  <PropertyType Position="2" 
  DisplayName="Date of Birth" 
    <PossibleValues />
  <PropertyType Position="3" 
       <PossibleValue Description="" Value="&lt;Unknown&gt;"/>
       <PossibleValue Description="Male" Value="Male"/>
       <PossibleValue Description="Female" Value="Female"/>
could be used to create the following rule:

<!--Allow 'Person' searches to include conditions for 
'Date of birth' and 'Gender' 
that match on an exact value or a range of values  -->
<Allow ItemTypeId="ET5" PropertyTypeIds="PER9, PER15" 
Operators="EQUAL_TO, BETWEEN"/>
Note: This example restriction allows conditions to be run that search for 'equal to' exact values. In addition it includes allowing conditions that search between specified values. As a range of values cannot be determined for a 'suggested from' property type, conditions that are between a specified range will only be enabled for dates of birth.